
Comment on my thoughts, if you will, but I'm pretty much just rambling on.

Maybe it's just me, but honestly, look around, tell yourself what you see. I bet a lot has, but hey, change is alright, it's normal.
Although when someone is forced to change because their rights are at stake, then that's ridiculous. Whatever the case is homophobia, bullying, popularity, or simple grudges. Why the hell should it all matter?
Once I think about it, since time started, humans have been animals, almost a different species. If we had no social classes, no money, where would it all end up? I would bet you anything, that it'd bring the world down. Why does it matter when someone is in a same sex relationship? If you really think you can change their perforations, then you're definitely wrong. Popularity, is a game, why do people take it so seriously?

Maybe I come across as stupid, or I think too much, but I don't care.
Sure, we evolved, come along way, but what will it take where certain things don't matter?
I'm not talking about communism, or socialism, but why as humans, do we feel the need to compete?
Evolved animals.
October 24th, 2010 at 10:14pm