So excited for NaNoWriMo

I can't wait for it! This is my first year, so it'll be pretty tough - but I'm sure that I can do it if I really try.

The story I'm writing for NaNoWriMo is called Auctores, which Google translate tells me is Latin for authors - here's a super short summary:

Some teenagers steal a tour bus and go on a drive around the UK - they put quotes from their favourite poems everywhere they go. Pirate ninjas come in. Grace (my MC) finds out that her friends (Leon, Frank, Jessica and Nadia) on the tour bus have been building a giant hot air balloon, so they fly it to France. They put more poetry quotes there, then go back to England. The Travelling Shovel of Death kills Jessica. They're sad. They have a kick-*ss party on the Pirate Ninjas' pirate ship.

In case you couldn't tell - this isn't a serious story, though when I first thought of the idea of the poetry trip thing, I thought it was gonna be. Then the Pirate Ninjas showed up.

You can add me on NaNo if you like.

Question time!

1. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Have tried NaNoWriMo before?
2. If you have - did you win or fail?
3. Done any planning?

DFTBA, my fellow Mibbians.
Unneeded intricacy
October 25th, 2010 at 08:36pm