In Or Out: Part Two

For a while now I have been thinking about the In Or Out journal I did the 31st of July. That was a very long time ago to me, and I have been thinking about whats In Or Out. Before I thought that fashion could only have In's or Out's but I was proven wrong.
Before I get started on this new In Or Out journal though I do have to apologize for the last journal entry titled 'I Have No Idea'. I got on today to write this journal and was looking through my other journals and saw that one. Yesterday I left Mibba up and my laptop on my bed and my sister wrote that. That jornal will deleted after I finish with this one. Again I;m sorry for it and for any confusion. I would like to state though that I do know my sexuality and am fully okay with my feelings. I am not confused about anything. I am a girl who like guys. I also would like to state that I dont have any problems with homosexuals or bisexuals. You can't help who you fall in love with.
To officially get started with this journal I would like to ask some questions and I hope to get comments on here answering those question.
1. What brand of sneakers or shoes do you prefer to wear and why?

2. What store at the mall do you shop at most of the time?

3. Who's your favorite band/singer?

4. What's your favorite show on TV?

5. What do you do in your spare time?

Those questions are for me to see whats mainstream. To be able to write my In Or Out journals I need to know what people like and why they like it. Please if your reading this answer the questions for me and read my first In Or Out journal. Read all of my journals, if you want to. Also check out my new common sense journal that should be coming out within the next week.
October 25th, 2010 at 09:33pm