Accents and Other Things :)

Okay, so this blog post is going to be slightly different then most of my other ones. Usually I'm either complaining, venting, writing a story, or something like that.

Today I'm just gonna talk. Because I feel like rambling.

Interesting place, LaFargeville, NY. Small town, everybody knows everybody. Things like that.

But I swear, we must be the most culturally challenged community on earth! XD

Example #1: Accents.
We all talk exactly the same here. Grammar isn't even a word for any of us most of the time, and any person you ask around here to tell you where the nearest water source is, it's the crick. Not the creek. The crick. Unfortunately, I seem to have developed these traits since I moved here. As in, 90% of the time, I have just a bit of a country accent.

But even more than that, it's the accents of other people. It's the funniest thing on earth! Seriously, anyone around here hears someone with a Brittish, or English, or Australian, or even a southern accent, it all turns heads. Everyone's always like "OMG YOU TALK DIFFERENT! SAY MORE WORDS!" Again, I can't help it. I kinda am like that too. Because as I said, everyone around here talks the same. But the only time I wanted someone to keep talking was Hugh Laurie. Don't laugh. I was watching... Ellen, or something like that. And he started talking and I was like "*gasp* I FORGOT HE HAD AN ACCENT!" So... yeah.

Example #2: Shopping.

When you live in the middle of farmville, ya don't get to do a whole lot of shopping. Half of the people around here have home-made clothes (Not me, but others do) And most of the food we get is local. All around us are dairy farms, and then the Amish that live around here (Which is a lot) make some of the best bread, and pasta, and things like that. My own family has an apple orchard. And a strawberry... thingy... don't know quite what to call it. Anyway, we grow strawberries and sell them.

Example #3: Accents Again.

Really, I can't get over it. Because some construction worker that working at the school has like... an Australian accent maybe? (I really don't know...) But he had a HUGE crowd of kids around him begging him to say more words.

And then there's the story that my buddy Midnight Wings already heard.
About the American accent.

Because aparrently some people around here think that there's no such thing, that it's just "talking normal"

But whatever.

Example #5: Snow.

Really, I don't get it about all y'all southerners... or where ever you are that it doesn't snow a whole lot. Lemme tell you: it snows here. About 6 or 7 months a year. And we get a lot of it. The thing is, what none of us around here get is two things.

First, why all you other place shut down your schools if you get more than 6 inches of snow. I kid you not, last year, it snowed about six inches overnight. That's kinda a lot, but the thing is, the wind had blown so much, that we literally had twelve foot snow drifts! We even measured it! It was horrible... but we still had to go to school.

Second. WHY THE HECK DO YOU LIKE SNOW?!?!?!?!?! I mean, when we were six, we all loved it. Because yay, it was snow, and snow is fun, with the sledding and snowmen. Then we all grow up and have to shovel it. And freeze to death in it. And shovel it some more. And even though they don't cancel school, they cancel all the fun stuff after school. And most of the time, the snow isn't good enough to make snowballs with. (Ya need lake effect for that, and although we live right near lake Ontario, we don't seem to get a ton of it...)

Example #6: Heritage.

Okay. So... to put it bluntly, everyone around here is white. Seriously, I don't believe there are any African American, or Hispanic, or Asian people at our school. *is thinking...* I really don't think we do. Kinda sad...

Anyway, everyone around here seems to have come from Europe. Somewhere in there. France, Italy, England, Ireland... places like that. Especially Ireland, for some reason.

Myself, I'm 1/4 Irish, and then French, English, Italian, and Dutch. And Finnish...?

I'm terrible at geography, guys. Really. I'm geographically challenged. I can't tell ya where Finland is on a map. Or Ireland. Or France. I can do the seven continents, all of North America (Oooo! A whole 3 countries!) And England. China. Japan..... and that's pretty much it. That's what maps are for though, right?

Anyway... I'm done now! That was random, but kinda fun to write! I mean, I suppose I'm pretty ignorant to places around me, but please, don't get mad at me for writing this. I'm just simply stating that I find it somewhat amusing that people (including myself) simply don't understand other cultures around us.

October 25th, 2010 at 10:26pm