just some things i need to get off my chest.

i know “i miss you” & “i love you” are just three words.

but you gave them a meaning, it was like i never really knew the words before you.
i thought i did but they were not a even a scratch on how i feel about you.
When your not here it kills me, every minuete of everyday im counting down till you come back. I dont show it because i want you to be happy, i'm so afraid that for some reason you wont come back & you will be ripped out my life.

i never want to feel as if my world is crashing around me like that again. i feel whole when im with you, you really do complete me in every sense. When im alone i have such a hollow feeling in my chest & i don't know whether its probably just subcutaneous but it actually aches.

When you went before i felt like a zombie for 7 months, its like i was there but no one was home.
i just went through the days...and i am so scared. i hate this, i don't know what to do without you & this feeling is beyond words.
all i do know is;
i can not live without you.
October 26th, 2010 at 12:56am