oh boy... :I

My friends seem to think I am a dating service...

Whenever they like someone, they come to me. They ask me to ask them questions. find out if they like them.

Me? I don't really much care for dating so I usually say no. They, however, don't give up as easily as i want them to.

Today was the worst I ever got.

One of my friends came up to me today...

"Will you ask out Justin for me?" (Her)

"Justin who?" (Me)

"Justin Plantier." (her)





"I said no."

"ok then..."

I should have just said yes. For the whole day she has been pestering me and got the rest of my friends to do it. She got kids from all four classes to do this crap to me. They didn't even know why.
finally fourth block came and I was still dead set on not asking him.

I have fourth block with him. he's ok. kind of a Jerk but that's from going to school with him in elementary.

I heard him mention something about another girl.

Then I heard they were dating or something like that.

That is the main reason why I say no. I don't like to see my friends hurt.

People of mibba! What should I do?
October 26th, 2010 at 09:07pm