best day ever by far

I am in eight grade but I go walk up this huge hill to the high school to take Algebra 2 which is a sophomore course. Well, in that class is a sophomore who shall not be named because his family members are on here but I have a crush on him. Just a little one ;)

But, today our teacher was out for some sort of conference and we had a substitute so every one went wild, I guess. This senior named DJ sat in my seat so I had to sit on the floor next to him.

Finally, I found a spot in the back of the room which is where the sophomore, aka my crush, was. While I was working on the assigned problems, I felt my hair moving and I knew it wasn't because of a breeze because the windows were not open as usual. I turned around and my crush is sitting behind me, playing with my hair.

After I blush and turn around, he says "Your name is Krista, right?" and I just shook my head. So Zack, my friend, tells him my name and my crush just keeps saying my name at different speeds and different voices. Finally, he says, "So, your name is Karissa?" And I just nod which causes him to say "It's okay for you to talk, you know. I won't hurt you."

My cheeks were crimson and I kept my face over my book for the rest of the period.


Do you have a crush?
Have they ever done something that just made your day/life?
What was it?(if it isn't too personal)
October 26th, 2010 at 10:00pm