I'm Back!

Hello everybody,
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, since like I don't know September. I've been way to busy for my own good. Junior year is blowing majorly. I'm actually paying attention in classes and doing homework, something I quite like. I like having things to do... I don't know, just me I guess.

My large animal management class, a class I need to take Vet Tech next year is fun. It's pretty boring some days, you know note taking and what not but when the teacher brings animals in it's a fun day.

All of my other classes are you know, normal. Math, Physics, US History, and English. I took the Psat last month for a chance at a scholarship which I need badly.

As a side note, I'm re reading "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" again for the third time, gearing up for half the movie that's coming out next month. Pretty excited.

I've been pretty good at steering away from drama, but it always finds you... But I'm trying my best to focus solely on my studies... This year is important, I don't pass, I don't walk the stage and graduate so time to buckle down and grow up I guess.

Well I just thought I'd give a short summary on me so far.
Hope everyone is doing well?
October 27th, 2010 at 12:29am