Gay Marriage?

People have seemed to be talking about this a lot lately, and I just want to know what the big deal is.

My opinion is that it shouldn't matter what gender you are if you want to be with someone for the rest of your life. The only thing that should ever matter in a marriage is LOVE.

I know that everyone thinks differently about it because of their religion or how they were raised, and I'm not trying to start any drama, but seriously - GENDER DOESN'T MATTER.
9 teenagers have taken their lives because they were bullied and tormented just because they were gay.

Should it really make a difference who you're going to love? One of my best friends is gay, and crazy in love. It is seriously the cutest thing seeing them happy together.

I really don't care if I get hater comments on this, I just think that love is the only thing that should ever matter in a marriage.
October 27th, 2010 at 03:22am