My College Life and Carrots?

Okay so YAY!!! I'm in college.... FUN. Well not! I knew college ment harder test material and stuff like that but i never expected to lose myself in it all. I came to the conclusion yesterday i had not been true to my self.
I feel like I have NO life, I'm just a person out in this world. I'm not the old me. I miss the old me. Granted i was never had time then either i truly miss it all. My frriends who I now only text, my family whom i see everyday, and my faith. I was so consummed with life that I started to complain and see the glass always empty and even when everything is in place, i still think I have it worst than other when really i should be the last to complain. I used to help, be happy, and make time for God. I'm sorry I let you down. You dont diserve that and I really dont deserve you. This was my realization of how college changed and rearranged my life and prorities.
Maybe we should think of life like a carrot. Sometimes its kinda sweet and when we live it the right way and choose the righ thing, it can be really good. But life is still hard. and it is sometimes not what we wish it was. Well atleast thats how it sometimes seems, then again maybe a carrots not the best thing to compare ife to.
Its time for a change, when we were younger we didnt have to worry about drugs and alcohal or even sex. We had no pressure, no one to worry about, and we always had someone to protect us. I kind of wish i was innocent again, maybe I could take back all the things I have done and be a better sister, friend, and daughter.

So if you had your choice what would you take back? and If you had the choice what would you compare life to?
October 27th, 2010 at 08:16pm