live, laugh, love

Hey, its me again. got to do some more reflecting on the past who knows how many weeks, days, etc.

First of all, everyone needs to live. Things happen in life, and many of those things we are not prepared for. The everyone has a different perspective of how things should be, and how they should affect others. Our experiences affect the way we react or respond to a situation. These experiences and perspectives all occure because we are living our lives. Living doesn't mean that you get out of bed, and go through your day like a zombie. It means getting out of bed, enjoying your day to the fullest, and going with the flow. Its to let things spontaneously happen, and to just know that tomorow is a knew day, yesterday is the past, and today should be lived. And that's the way i want to live. Each day like it would be my last.

Second of all, laugh. Laughing is proven to be one of the best medicines. It lets you live longer, and you'll be happier. Life will throw curve balls and cause us to have some moments where we feel that we can't take much longer and that we should just give up. Even when those moments happen, you should take it with a smile on your face and remember that tomorrow will be better, even if it may not seem so. I think that's what lets me get through the day. Smiling at everything and laughing untill i cry. Thats what makes me know that I've got something to look forward the next day.

Third of all, love. Love is what keeps everything together. The love for living, the love for laughing, the love for family and friends. It's what makes the world go round. The heart should be kept open for love. You may be more prone to heartbreak, but you will also gain so much love from others. Love is the thing that probably keeps most of us on this world. Whether it be love for a significant other, a love for something you have so much passion in, or just the love you have for living and experiencing the world, love will always be there. And that is what keeps me here. The love for music, the love i have for my family and friends, and the love i have for being able to live and experiece things.

So everything also leads back to perspective on all those subjects. You may or may not agree with me, but hey, I got you to think about it.

See you later gaters,
October 28th, 2010 at 05:39am