This ring tells a story, and more then one
A story of a man and a woman, their love was everlasting like the sun
Proposed to her the second day they met; they’ve been in love for 20 years
They had wanted to wait to get married when she was with child
The fact they kept trying and failed made for their fears
A doctor prescribed a medicine to help deliver the baby
She hid the news from him, anxious to surprise
Love is destructive in many ways
She was in the garden and took a deep fall, goodbye sweet Katie
Alone lays the farmer, his love had lost him
Laying awake he eats a pill, goes outside and lays very still
In the backyard he says his last goodbyes to Katie and his unborn baby
He had known, he found the surprise on Katies windowsill
Love is beautiful in many ways
Things are going to be better, I know they will

by rosie varriale
October 28th, 2010 at 04:15pm