.:.Kindness Seeds.:.

Dark poetry and stories and whatever else that's made by users which has the potential to sometimes set everyone off in a rage from all the emotion it brings forth, what I've noticed is that it's on EVERY website you go on, never limited to just one. Yes, some people do post things seeking out attention since they're bored with their life, but most of the time I've learned and can definitely say relating to some of my creations, the experience behind everything traumatizing included in the words which are woven into a unique rhyme, it is real, very heart breakingly real. It's sad to be forced into knowing that, but it's necessary in order to grow and be better people from tragedy. Never put another problem on someone's shoulders dealing with depression that doesn't have to be there, plant your kindness seeds instead. Be careful with opinions! It is better to write out the hurt than actually do something as extreme as self-harm in whatever form. Sometimes in the process of healing ourselves through writing, we find out that we're the only someones that have the rare ability and gift to help others going through similar struggles. I come over from a place called Quizilla and I was ALWAYS known for that, and I know I probably will be here too. People are going to write what they write regardless of my input, I know this, but all the same, how I feel when I find negative comments everywhere attempting to 'disrespect' people seeking out help? I'll do my part to spread my message around floating near theirs and I know mine is heard clear and louder. When challenged, it spreads like fire burning into people's hearts.
October 28th, 2010 at 04:20pm