Today, at school.

So, today nothing new happened at school (like it never does). Although again, with it being a lot less noticeable in middle school, i started to notice the really hot boys in my school are only attracted to girls with really curly hair(perms), very straight hair, or girls who dont hang out with loosers. The ones who carry around big purses, the ones who shout "I love you!" in the hallway in-between classes to some random girls or boys, they don't really talk to that much, the ones who start shit with teachers, and are late to class everyday. THOSE are the dateable girls. But what about the geeks? I notice some of them wandering around in the corners by themselves, or with minimul friends. Most are pretty--I guess--although not all of em, but why aren't they ever flirted with?

MY ANSWER (which may not be ur opinion too): They don't hang out with the jocks, populars, cheerleaders, or aren't sporty. The kids with hardly any social life, the ones who don't go to parties.

Ever see them at your school? The girls with no make-up, wandering around with there other friends, ever wonder what there relationship statuses are gonna ever change? I HAVE.<3 For the geeks, I think there pretty nice (unless you get on there nerves). I myself, dont fit in, but I wanna hear what other people have to say about this! Notice any of this too?

October 29th, 2010 at 01:34am