The Chat on this website

I've noticed, Like every other chat out there, that people are really exclusive, a lot of the time if your new, people don't give you a chance to let you talk or ignore you.
sure I shared a bit of information on myself, but really.. I didn't need another lecture on how I need to move forward with my life. sure people have hard lives, but I highly doubt that everyone has had the same experience I have had.
sure I need to take what I learned from that and move on, but if my theripist says I need to try and be a kid again, then I will.
I could get a million people telling me that I shouldn't reverse but go forward, I won't.
if they have a PHD or a degree in the subject of psycology, then I might.
but untill then, no.
Yes I am 17 and I am almost an adult, but I have a year left to be a kid.
and I will be damned if I can't have my childhood, most kids get to be kids while growing up, I never did. I've been emotionally and physically supporting my family for years, since I was 7. and I DONT want to turn into my mom, a bitter 47 year old woman, who has never had a chance to be a kid, and still hates her mother for it. she is bi-polar and has tried to kill herself more times then me. I dont want that.
So I WILL be a kid for as long as I can.
and if nobody likes it, I will gladly tell you where to go :D
October 29th, 2010 at 05:18am