Reflecting now how things could've been, it was worth it in the end.

So, I kind of feel like I'm losing my mind.

Not really, well, kind of. Mostly it just sounded like a good beginning. If I'm losing my mind, then I'm losing alot of things.
So, in case you haven't noticed (which you haven't), I've changed.
Like, last year at this time, people would've laughed if you mentioned me doing half the things I've done since May.
Here's the deal, I used to be what you would call a "goody-goody". I was home every night during the weekend, the only alcohol I'd ever tasted was communion wine and some champagne, and I'd never "been with" a guy (whatever that means). Let me tell you, I wish I would've broken my mold a LONG time ago. Now, I personally don't think I'm a "bad" girl. I am home most nights, I don't party all the time, and I do drink. I'm not saying it's right to drink when you're underage, because it definitely is not, I know people who have had their lives ruined by it. I just wish people would get use to the way I am now. I don't see why we need to still be bringing up the fact that I made out with this guy at a party, over a month ago. No, we are not dating, there's a good chance we never will. I don't regret the changes in my life that I've made, I've met people that have changed my life even more, for the better.
Speaking of guys.
That guy, I kind of like(d) him. We talked for awhile, but we don't talk as much anymore. I guess, if he wants to talk to me, he will right? (Kind of hard though when my cell service is shut off...). There's also this other guy though, he's in one of my classes, he's cute, funny, and super nice. My best friend is convinced I'm going to prom with him, and I really want to.
I guess that's all I have. I just needed to put that out there, get it off my chest.

1. Anything life changing happen recently? [Obviously]
2. Favorite Color? [Blue]
3. Favorite pro sports team? [New York Giants!]
4. When was the last time you felt stupid? [daily occurence]
5. Favorite number? [21, and NOT because it's the legal drinking age!]
6. Wanna guess why my favorite number is 21? [ha, jk you don't have to]
October 29th, 2010 at 08:04am