.:.Survivor Mountain.:.

.Rainstorm Umbrella.

We must all do our part in order to move forward from harsh understandings. We must all dance to our own inner music, and we must all sing to the lyrics written on our hand which tell us our story within every inward bleed that threatens to overflow from the heart which is tired of beating. We must all be ourselves, as we are told that is wrong, and what is right is to be real, to be true, to be honest, and to defend what has built our name. Goodbyes are never really simple, even when we try to explain how they can be, complications arise, and that is what defines our very walk. Is it a walk of shame, a walk of honor? In this life, all we really own is our integrity, my dears, when we lose that seemingly by another person's actions or when we make the choice directly ourselves and point the finger, who are we? Wear your truths proudly, even when they make you feel as though you're alone in a world so dark and full of scares preying on each coming and not coming tear drop. How many scars you have to your collection does not mean anything but allowing you to wake at midnight. [Linkin Park-What I've Done] So be brave, and be able to look at yourself and face what's happened gathering sincerity. Your life starts now, so don't suffer a fate much worse than death by not waking up to what you do as you try to get out of depression, climb survivor mountain. You are loved. You are needed. Make sure those select few people worth the heart you give them, know that every day that you get out of bed. Subtract this world's hate from your equation, and as you deal with it, only remember one thing in the lullaby, you remain the fallen when pushed to the edge and tested with your temper to giving up and giving in, when YOU take yourself to that thinking. Nobody else can make your decisions fully. So rise above that influence, and you achieve what you never thought you could. ~OxygenFrost
October 29th, 2010 at 10:52pm