Addition to Video Review, June 16th now....

I feel SO stupid, I forgot the vid I was most excited about!

~The White Stripes, "Icky Thump"- Let every joyous voice sing out! Everyone's favorite fake-sibling/ex-spouse duo has returned! The sound is insane, the lyrics are genius, and the drumming is sub-Energizer Bunny. Yup, Jack and Meg are back in full force.

Now, to the clip itself: Jack is the inebriated shitkicker that falls off the back of a pickup truck just south of the border. Meg is the beautiful, wonky-eyed hooker that saves him. It needs to be addressed that Meggy has dyed her hair red, and she looks fucking AMAZING as a redhead. It totally takes like five pounds of chub off her face. Jack's just as greasy as ever, donning the White Stripe uniform again after defecting briefly to The Raconteurs.

Ooooo, and the best part: they ACKNOWLEDGE each other now. If you look closely in the other videos, they never look directly at each other. But in "Icky Thump" (which I forgot to mention is the name of the wonky-eyed hooker) they seem almost....chummy. What the fuck happened there?!
June 16th, 2007 at 07:51am