Smoogies use to be the funniest site ever when there was a lot of people, I`m not sure what happened to all of the people. Smoogies is a site where you can talk to people and take care of a pet, basically, I don`t take care of a pet though. You guys should join smoogies so that there is a lot of people again. I am bored out of my mind, so you guys making smoogies fun again would be nice, so would be comments on any of my stuff, or emails. By the way, or else is bored? Or were you bored and fixed it someway, how`d you fix it? D: I just noticed my music randomly stopped. :( I`m going to cry, wait never mind I had it on mute. That`s fixed.Dynamite is on.(: Anyways, who wants to help fix my boredness?
October 30th, 2010 at 05:18pm