I gave blood.

As the title states, I gave blood for the first time this week. Thursday to be precise. I thought I'd chicken out, but I'm glad I didn't.

It was really surreal though; it was a totally new experience for me, because I've never had blood drawn, or any IVs of any kind. It's also strange, when they put the needle in, they say it will pinch, but it's not a pinch. It feels nothing like a pinch. It feels like a needle.

So it takes around 10 minutes for blood to be drawn, and if you concentrate on it enough, you can feel the needle in your arm. It doesn't really hurt once it's in there (unless you bend your arm, which you really shouldn't,) but you can tell there's a needle.

I thought I'd be really dizzy afterwards, or I'd get sick or something since it was my first time, but I was perfectly fine. I literally sat down, ate a cookie, and walked out to take a midterm in Algebra. It was great.

All in all, good experience.

1. Have you ever given blood?
2. If yes, then how many times? If no, do you want to?
3. What's your blood type?
4. Needles; how do you feel about them?
October 31st, 2010 at 03:11am