I had so much sugar ><

Hello to whom ever is reading this!

It's officially November 1st for Eastern Standard Time.

I didn't go trick-or-treating on Halloween. I just didn't feel like it. I'm quite surprised that not many kids went trick-or-treating... I didn't see many.

Therefore, we still have left over candy from what we haven't gave out. I ate so much chocolate, and I feel sick. I've felt sick since this morning to be honest.

I played hockey today! We lost though, 2-1. At least I scored. :]

I feel accomplished. I scored my first goal this season, I added Halloween pictures to Facebook, updated my "Creatures." story, updated my Twitter, finished my english PowerPoint and not getting caught on the computer late at night, when I'm supposed to be sleeping.

Except, I totally forgot to do math homework, that I can't do. It's measuring all the rooms on my level at the moment, except that my parents' and my brother's room just so happen to be on the same floor as mine. I can't do it. It's technically due for today... I'm sad, I'll get in so much trouble! It's confusing writing at 12:21 AM.

Maybe if I feel worst... I'll get to ask my mom to stay home? It's a thought.

Anyways, guess who gets to go to the hospital tomorrow?!
I do.

I have things on my feet that have to get removed (ew). I'm most likely going to be in crutches. It's going to be the 3rd time I've been there for medical reasons.

This time for my feet. The other two times, emergency room. Two words: NOT FUN.

Ah well, it's of the past that comes and haunts me.

Peace out and goodnight or good morning!
^Notice that goodnight is one word, and good morning is two of them.
^My sister has a pet Chihuahua, his name is Murphy.
^I learned how to properly spell Oklahoma!
November 1st, 2010 at 05:25am