Please, advice anyone?

Well, you mibbians, i've got to say i don't know what to do. Love is a complicated thing is it? I don't know. Now that i think of it, it's only complicated if you fucking make it complicated. I'm the kind of person that could stay with one person for the rest of my life. Even if they mess up, hurt my feelings, or do things like that. I can forgive them. If it gets to the point when they think it's 'not working out' theres nothing else i can do. You know? Let's see the reasons why we almost broke up: Hair,, a crush on a guy, and other things i can't think of. Does this make sense to any of you? It shouldn't if you're a decent human being. How you gonna break up with someone over small things like this. Let's look at all the fucking things i didn't fucking do: Cheat, curse her out, hit her, disrespect her, not be there for her when she cries. Yeah. It's weird how if you do everything right things could still go terrible wrong. It sucks to that she's sitting right next to me. I'm litterally crying and i don't get a glance or anything. Yeah after a year and loss of virginity i definetly deserve that! Yet, i still wanna hold her and then push her. Get away from her as possible and yet as close as possible. Any suggestions on this teenage love failure?
November 1st, 2010 at 03:23pm