Subject Changing

Okay, so I'm like totally in love with this movie The Fall. Lee Pace is in it, the guy from that show that I only saw a couple episodes of, Pushing Daisies (I think that's what it's called). But, anyway. This movie is amazing.

Lee Pace plays Roy Walker, a stuntman who gets paralized and hospitalized. He meets a little girl, Alexandria, who broke her arm. They befriend each other, in a way. Roy tells Alexandria a story to entertain her so she'll do whatever she can to hear the rest of it. Basically, Roy wants to die and he wants Alexandria to get him pills to 'help him sleep'. He manipulates her and she ends up getting seriously injured, falling off a shelf while getting Roy pills. As Roy finishes the story for Alexandria, as she's getting better, their friendship strengthens. The characters in Roy's story are based on the people that are around his and Alexandria's lives and, there fore, have a more lifelike and dramatic role.

This movie is a classic, a masterpiece. Even though, it was made in 2008. The movie has its saddening parts in it. If you're an animal lover, take precautions when you watch this. It's easy to get attached to any of the characters in this movie. They each have a story that you could relate to in a way.

Anyway, I love this movie. The scenes are absolutely beautiful. The people are a colorful bunch. The story itself is a wanted dream. If you you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend that you do. You won't be sorry.

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I went trick or treating and got a lot of candy from just two small streets. Of course, it helps that I've been trick or treating there since I was a baby. Everyone knows everyone and they are devastated if you can't make it to there place to get treats. It's my grandma and papa's streets. We're all family there. It's awesome.

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There's no school tomorrow. Yay. Not really. It's some waver day thing. I'd rather have monday off. It's just stupid to have tuesday off for something.

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I have to vote tomorrow, too! The only issue I'm caring about is the library issue. VOTE YES FOR ISSUE 4! Please keep our libraries open. Us bookworms need a place to congregate and enjoy a book or two and learn.

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My sister's a moron. Her bf broke up with her a while ago, saying he needed to focus on his future. Then, he asks her back out, saying he has it all set out now. Maybe a week later, just last night, he broke up with her again, saying he fell out of love with her. That's not even the best part. This morning, he told my sister that he kissed some girl at a friend's party (while they were still going out, mind you).

We all told her to stay away from him after the first time. The guy managed to tick me off more than I wanted to be. I'm not really going to do anything. It's his mental state of mind that'll crumble. I keep saying that he's in for it. And if I get called down to the office for harassing, I'll just say that there's no harrassment in reminding someone that karma's going to come and bite their head off. Woah! Score 1 for me.

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There is no next subject. I'm done talking, well, typing, for now. So you can stop reading now. SInce I know it bores you to death. Go on. Stop reading now. Go about your happy day without this crappy journal entry.

Stop reading!
November 1st, 2010 at 04:05pm