5th month anniversary with Justin and Tylor gets freaky with me.

1. Me and Justin
Justin is my amazing boyfriend of 5 months today. He makes me feel so happy :) I know see that I'm beautiful thanks to him. I hope we stay together forever I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Me and Tylor
Tylors a friend of mine and today he got freaky. We were passing notes and some girl kept trying to take it so I told him we should get rid of her. He ofcourse said yes. I then asked him if he had to be locked in a room for 3 days. Would he want to be locked with me or her. He said me. We then got to talking about sugar( candy) now I know some people that have grown up around southern white folks know that sugar means kisses. I told him sugar does bad things to me. He laughed playfully pulled my hair and said looks like I'd give you alot of suger those 3days. I proseded to tell him that he wouldn't get sugar( kisses) from me and that he better bring a Teddy bear if we ever do have that happen. He said you got it lol :) Tylor your so weird.

3. How was your day :)
4.got any sugar lattly :)
November 1st, 2010 at 11:06pm