Bare Knuckling NaNoWrimo

Alright, so I stayed up last night to like one in the morning checking out this NaNoWrimo. And I'm going to try it. Mostly on paper, because if I try to count it on my computer, I'll go blind.
(Person who doesn't have Microsoft Word) Yeah, this is what I get.

I'm not going to school today because my mom is going to take me to the doctors to see what's wrong with my foot. It's not broken, I'm sure of that, because then I'd be crying. But I'm pretty sure it's sprained or something, because I can't barely walk on it without crumpling to the floor in pain.

So I'm going to start out on my first NaNo 3 days behind, and I only have about 120 words. GAH! But I'm still going to see if i can do it by the deadline... Or see how much I can do by the deadline at least. But, it's about a kid who's fighting to survive... and literally, bare-knuckling it.

And no one answered my question last night!

How. oh how, Do you put the links in your stories!?!?!

I'm asking for good cause, not just so i could put pictures up there!
{No offense to the picture linkers}
November 4th, 2010 at 02:46pm