That just Makes me Mad

Well my voice is gone,:( I lost it this week while I've been trying to get over my allergies. It happens so my mom is making me stay home and rest my voice because I have some really important stuff coming up. But anyways, Halloween was awesome. I didn't get to go trick or treating but I did get to drive my friend all the way back to her college and drive back home. I think I slept 6 hours that night, I had work at 8 so I had to get up at 7am.
I don't regret it though because me and my best friend had a blast! So thanksgiving is on it's way. I think beside christmas Thanksgiving is like my favorite holiday. It's the one time of year when you get to eat food and be thankful. I love thanksgiving at my house too, because we eat then we all look in magazines and scope out places to shop for black friday. Now that I no longer work in retail I can finally appreciate this special day!

Oh yeah if you do go shopping on Black friday, please keep in mind this holiday for retail people is a living hell! I always had this crazy shift like 2am-10am and it always felt like hell. The best part was how if someone had to ask you for a size most likely you didn't have it, but I would always check and sometimes I would find it. That was a christmas mircle, because it would be in this secret place and when you saw it a light shined on it for you to take. So again please be nice to retail people because it really is hard to work on that holiday.

What else hmm? I remembered that my brother lost my hat so I went to borrow the one I got him last year for christmas and couldn't find it. So when I asked him he got made at me saying someone at school stole it remember. Which pisses me off because he loses everything. I'm so sick of him just leaving his stuff in random places hoping no one will steal it. Then he gets mad at me for bringing it up! So I told him he's buying me a new hat for christmas, and I get to pick it out.
If you have a younger sibbling like my brother you feel my pain.

Well I'm gonna go look up cool hats for christmas. I hope yall have a good day. Oh and by the way I wrote a new book. It's called a Utopian delusion. It's not a fanfictions so please check it out!!! I have 3 chapters up already and will be writting the 4th very soon.:)
Faye <3
November 4th, 2010 at 03:31pm