
Hey there, guys. I know I haven't been online lately, and I'm really sorry about that. However, there's something I have to tell you all;
Basically, I've spent the last few months going from doctor to doctor constantly, and I haven't had time for anything. I figured you all deserved to know what's been going on.
To say it quite blatantly, I don't have much time left at all. I've been gradually progressing in my deterioration, and the docs have put me on oxygen at this point. So, they're giving me a month, but I'm feeling more like a week.
I just wanted to thank anybody that's ever been there for me, and that's ever been a friend. I wanted to wish you all luck, and to get the chance to say goodbye to everyone.
I really hoped that I'd never have to write this, but it seems that fate had other plans. So, I'll try to get online as much as I can before I'm gone, but just in case fate decides to surprise me once again, goodbye, guys.
I really hope you all do well, because I know you will. And remember; nothing's ever as bad as it seems, and everything's for a reason. You're NEVER alone.
I love you guys.
November 5th, 2010 at 03:29am