I wish I was a cool kid;

So, this year I was supposed to be doing year 12, but instead, I chose to repeat year 11 instead.

I still associate with my friends who were going on to year 12, and so I've seen all of the Muck Up Week and Graduation photos on Facebook and whatnot. They're currently doing exams now too, which I luckily have avoided.

The thing is, I feel as though I'm being left behind. One friend has already locked himself into a full-time job and so associating with him will be harder now. It's as though everyone is moving forward and I've just stopped for a break or something.

But I'm proud. I'm so proud of them all for their accomplishments and I know they're going to do brilliantly in their exams and with their lives. I just wish I could be experiencing it with them.


November 5th, 2010 at 04:00am