What is the world coming to?

A woman is being told to pay 1.5 million dollars for downloading 24 songs.

A single mom of four downloaded some songs, and has been appealing it for years or something like that. The fine has fluctuated between 20 thousand and the recently decided ruling said that she would have to pay 1.5 million dollars. Whoa. The record companies are saying though that they don't want her to actually pay it, they just want people to realize that there are punishments.
I personally think they just want to save their reputation. Bankrupting a single mom for 24 songs and possibly ruining her kids life would probably screw up a lot of things for them. >.>
I agree she did something wrong, but seriously? Make her pay for the songs and the 200 dollar court fee. Much neater, and still shows there is a punishment that isn't worth downloading.

A San Francisco town rules that Happy Meal toys are no longer allowed.

I am openly opposed to fat little kids. Mean? Maybe. But I don't hate the kids, I hate the parents. Unless there is actually something wrong with the family, a condition or a gene or something, then its really their fault. I remember watching a Maury show where they had a toddler that weighed more then I do. That's ridiculous. I'm nearly 18 and weigh 120 pounds. There is no reason a 3-4 year old should weigh that much. She tried blaming it on the fact that she is overweight, but then they had camera men come and visit her house, and the kid was eating whole packs of Oreos, with her permission. When she denied him, he would throw a fit and still get whatever he wanted. He ate McDonald's every time they went out. It was ridiculous. There is no reason for that. Starting a child's life like that is akin to abuse in my book. You're the parent, tell your kid NO. There is a healthy weight, and then there is obese. Why take the toys out of the Happy Meal and ruin it for kids and parents who know when to say no? They say its to make it easier to convince their kids to eat the healthy meals, like salads and what not.

What? They have healthy meals and options for Happy Meals. And I didn't know that being a parent was negotiating with your lessthan12 year old. They throw a fit? Too bad. Its not cruel to tell your kid no. It's not cruel to let them throw a fit.

Things are ridiculous now. It's always someone else's fault. (Though the single mom did download illegally, the fee was ridiculous, she should pay... but not be in debt for the rest of her natural life) No one can admit, "Yes, I made myself fat with the Super Size option." or "I spilled coffee on my lap, oops." There's always a lawsuit or some new law designed to tell parents how to parent.

I hate politics... ::disgust:
November 5th, 2010 at 05:14am