New NaNoWrimo Rant

Alright. So it's like 1:03 in the morning (Where I am) and I'm not even going to school tom- well, today!
Cause, apparently, I sprained a ligament in my foot. Weirdness
Anyhow, I've already posted the first bit of my NaNoWrimo up. Fighting with Yourself. is what it's called.

There's only one chapter up and I feel super guilty about not wanting to finish the second one I Just started like a half an hour ago.

So. Tired.

Oh! and thank you to Kaycyde. who told me how to put up a link!
Now I'm using it like a maniac!

So my illnesses include...
Upper-Respiratory Infection, with that really vicious cough that sound like I'm trying to throw up a chainsaw.
And a sprained ligament in my foot, which by the way, I can't even get crutches for, because my mom doesn't have the money to buy them.

Sad, Sad, Sadness.

But I'm in love with me layout for my NaNo though.
I think it's FantasMO.

What'chu Fink?
November 5th, 2010 at 06:11am