I want to eat.

I'm 17 and I'm overweight.

It's not a major issue, I mean, I'm only like, 80-90kg or something so it's not like I'm obese or anything.

I walk down the street and see my reflection in almost every reflective surface and see my stomach protruding over my waist? Or whatever that area is. It's not a huge amount, but still noticeable in my eyes.

In an effort to hide it, I breathe in and tell myself to resist the urge to eat unhealthily because of how ashamed I feel.

I see other girls, even other men and envy their bodies. Thin, nice legs, perky breasts and I wish I could swap bodies with them.

I hate the slight sag of my breasts, the stretch marks on my stomach, hips and arms, the bulge of fat on my stomach, the chubbiness of my legs and the formation of fat under my chin that is slowly, but surely going to grow larger.

I wonder if anyone else notices these things about me.

I was sun-baking with my friends the other day, we were comparing things about ourselves that we hate and I was glad to see I wasn't alone in some of my bodily dysfunctions.

Self esteem boost in other peoples misfortune certainly isn't right.

I try not to eat badly, I really do. I've brought fruit (apples, bananas, strawberries), celery, yoghurt, lettuce, low fat everything and even muesli bars. But I always resort to the chocolate aisle. What for? Perhaps to cure the bad day I've had, or the unfortunate attack of stress I received from him talking crap.


November 5th, 2010 at 07:35am