So my spine officially sucks

I finally go to a chiropractor and my muscle tension is off the charts. Awesome. And my x-rays show that my spine isn't completely straight and my neck isn't curved. What the hell?! I haven't done anything wrong, no car accidents, my posture isn't horrible, and I'm still messed up? Well at least I've gotten some good full spine cracks done and they feel amazing! This whole thing just makes me feel like I'm not normal or something. The spine develops over time so I don't even know how long my spine has been screwed up. Uhg.
Well at least I'm going to see a concert on Tuesday. That will DEFINITELY cheer me up bazillions. Mayday Parade <3 I can't wait!!
So yeah this is probably the shortest entry I've done so far but I haven't had anything to talk about recently. Tomorrow I'm going to Seattle on an adventure by myself so hopefully something interesting happens tomorrow. The All Time Low concert was sold out so I might stop by before the show to see if the band is there ;] that would make a good entry haha.
Tell me what you think! Should I start writing stories? Feedback really helps, even if it's negative.
Stay Classy,
November 6th, 2010 at 01:07am