What's beautiful?

What's beautiful is your eyes. The lovely shade of brown that is indeed ordinary, yet not so ordinary at the same time. They speak to me, they say without needing words, 'I Love you'. They make me happy, shy, sad, excited, and lustful, they bring out the true definition of beauty.
What's beautiful is your hair, whether it's put up, down, covered in some way, or all shaggy from waking up in the morning; it also speaks in ways words can't. My fingertips inevitably reach for your soft, dark waves and linger there for a moment, just to see what it's like to touch gold.
Your hands, small yet so very soft; they're gorgeous in their own way. They make my heart stop at the touch, bring out the tears in me when I don't feel them on my body, and send pleasures coursing throughout my entire system, starting from my head, and ending at my feet.
What's beautiful is your heart. The one place that has opened up and let me in without asking for anything in return; the loving part of you that I now hold close to my chest in fear that I will lose it in the unknown future.
What's beautiful, is you. In every way you state the meaning of amazing without even trying to do so. You make the world seem complete when you walk into a room and remind me of the fact that life is still worth living. You light up my dark days with your smile. You give me strength to go on and believe in even the most impossible things, just from hearing the sound of your voice. Naturally I am an intensely emotional person, but when it comes to you, every feeling happens instantly because I'm not in my own world when I'm with you. I'm somewhere else very far away, but with you, and only you. And in this place all I see is you, and everything that you are as a person inside and out. In this place I see beauty like no other because I can't honestly ever imagine what would be better than every second I spend at your side. I'm moved by every motion you make in a way that makes me love you even more than I do already, and I can't see myself loving anyone else for as long as I live. These words don't even begin to describe entirely how beautiful you are to me, and how much I really do love you, but I'm happy to know I have you. 'Cuz you sincerely are the complete definition of what's beautiful.
November 6th, 2010 at 08:08am