Hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husbands...

… 'cause my mom's creepin' on errbody out there.

I mean, seriously. She’s up, asking me what my status on FaceBook is about and why my friend’s are going around saying they’re lesbian.

How am I supposed to know what my friend is doing and why she’s doing it, when I wasn’t there for the event? >:|

My boyfriend has my pissed off again. We haven’t been talking, if you read my Rant journal about him, you’d know that. This has been going on for like two months, and now he decides to confront it… two flipping months later.

“we haven't talked in like.. 2 weeks?” Really? It’s been longer than that, d**che.

Now he’s telling me he misses the “1 year me… even the me from ½ a year ago” Do people not change? Am I not allowed to grow up from us being together since I was fifteen? Are you really that shallow and think my life should revolve around you all the time?

God, he pisses me off to no ends anymore. The only reason I’m with him is because I have to get my stuff back, and let’s face it, that’s never gonna happen. He’s too caught up in playing his precious World of Wafcraft to mail my sh*t out.

He makes my moods way worse than they need to be, too. -.- I was happy, until he started bugging me about calling him. Sorry, I’m not going to call you when I don’t feel well. Why don’t you dial my phone number? Oh wait, you NEVER do, jack*ss; it's always gotta be ME.
November 7th, 2010 at 04:44am