facebook = my love(:

oh, facebook.
whoever created this [totally just forgot his name....:/ ] is a genius. he deserves an oscar, nobel prize, and a promotion to the president of the united states. he's just that cool. :P

in summary, i love facebook because it lets me say the things that i can't say out loud. basically, it encourages me to be a wimp.

i love it. ^_^

but then theres those people who put freakin hearts after EVERYTHING and put sappy song lyrics as their status. really? i dont want to see that. and then of course there's those people who like EVERYTHING and slaughter my news feed. gotta hate that.

....facebook needs a hate button. and a dislike button. and a loser button.

............i take that last one back. that could turn ugly.

......................my love for facebook is now officially expressed. :]
November 7th, 2010 at 06:17am