There was a popular story on mibba that was not a story at all. Need more information? This genius came up with the idea to put all of Mibba's best writing in one place to save us the agonizing pain of sifting through hours and hours of writing. She actually narrowed it down to the very best, she was fair, had fantastic taste, and even took requests. A request was a chance for your writing to appear on her popular list of stories. She linked the authors profile, she linked the story, copy and pasted the summary of your story and never ever tried to take credit for anything that was not hers. The key was her honesty, she did not take everything, but she read all sorts of things. The tragedy is... she was one of my most loyal readers and I was just going to comment on her page. I arrived at her page to discover that her account was no longer active and her "story" was gone. I know many of you are mourning with me, considering her list had hundreds of subscribers.

I want to continue this idea and was wondering how many of you would be interested? Although I am going to do it anyway :D
November 7th, 2010 at 06:41am