"Rudeness Is Man's Imitation of Strength"

I have concluded, over much thought, that I am weaker than most. I have believed myself to be strong, but my strength was an illusion. With that said I have also concluded that I have turned into the one person who I have tried not to be. My vile deed and weakness comes giving up on my fellow man. To become "numb" is one thing but when the only existence you care about is yourself and no others, than you have lost all morality. The world is evil and I have focused on that evil all too much. I have seen the bad that happens to people, I have also experienced it myself. To me, life is worth living because of the very pleasure of exsistence, we may feel pain but with that pain comes joy, laughter, love, fun, and many good things .I have forgotten that there are people who do not get to feel the same joys in their lives, that some people live such a miserable exsistence that they would seek to end it, or that their is homeless people, or that their is kids that are starving at this very moment. I have closed my eyes and pretended not to hear the cries and pleas of many. My friend had to remind me of this today, and it was then, that I realized, I was in the wrong. I thought i was being strong by not caring, but how wrong I was. True strength comes from the ability to see the pain, and still help to ease it, the ability to care about other, the ability to love. It seems Eric Hoffer was right when he said " Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength". I have forgotten what a simple act of kindness can do for another, that even when some people are on the edge we can reach out and pull them closer to safety or that we might feed a child by donating just a few dollars. -Jacob Lopez-
November 7th, 2010 at 02:49pm