My new poem. Feedback and suggestions?

I just kind of threw this together in 5 minutes. I know it's probably not the best but if anyone has any suggestions or comments that would be great.

Hey Babe it's me, calling you on the telephone.
I know you won't answer because you don't care if I'm feeling alone.
I call you because I just wanna hear your voice,
but you still don't care because I'm not your first choice.
I never have been, I never will be.
I wish you could see what saying goodbye has done to me.
Your words cut my heart, your lies burned my soul.
Believe me it ain't ever gonna be whole.
I know I should just let you go and move on with my life,
but how can I when I feel like stabbing myself with a knife.
You tell me there's someone out there for me, and I just ask who
because I don't want anyone else, all I want is you.
Please don't leave me hanging here, I don't know what to do.
I'm just gonna stand here and keep screaming I love you!

I think it sucks but I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks. I thought about taking the word because out and making it like this:

Hey Babe it's me, calling you on the telephone.
I know you won't answer,
you don't care if I'm feeling alone.
I call you because I just wanna hear your voice,
but you still don't care,
I'm not your first choice.
I never have been,
I never will be.
I wish you could see what saying goodbye has done to me.
Your words cut my heart,
your lies burned my soul.
Believe me it ain't ever gonna be whole.
I know I should just let you go and move on with my life,
but how can I when I feel like stabbing myself with a knife.
You tell me there's someone out there for me,
I just ask who?
I don't want anyone else,
all I want is you.
Please don't leave me hanging here,
I don't know what to do.
I'm just gonna keep standing here
screaming I love you!

But yea let me know what you guys like better. Thanks.
November 8th, 2010 at 06:49am