Gotta love candy. <3 (plus other stuffs :3)

Join please (esp. on the original romance one!):
Original Romance Story Contest
Photo Writing Drabble Contest

Just check my contests out, especially the original romance story contest cause that one's not getting any participants at all. Lol. Little sad. D; But yeah, just try and join. Win or lose, don't care cause you still made me happy. ;D


So, today, I was all comfy on my bed, typing away on my laptop. My mama and younger sis were out (optician's, cause they blind like me ;D), and my older sis was with me in the house. Then when they got home, I realized they bought Haribo's! (If you have no idea what the hell they are, Haribo's is like this type of candy in England that's just plain YUMMY.) It's like my favorite, but they kinda didn't buy the type that I wanted (which was the sour ones). D: And I said kinda cause they actually bought this huge pack, with a few types in it (including the sour ones) but I still wanted more of 'em. D:<

Anyway, so yeah, I ended up eating almost all of the little packets inside the big packet. I left just two for my lil sis cause I'm nice like that. :3 I kept saying that I had to stop eating, but I couldn't. Haha. Ever happened to you? :P I know it's happened to lotsa peeps out there. ;3

All I saw on my vanity was packets of Haribo's everywhere... ._.

Well, that's all. o.o Just wanted to talk about candy. <3
November 8th, 2010 at 06:48pm