This is all going to sound cliche and stupid, but just let it happen.

You know how everyone always complains about how the world is an awful place? And that bad things are always happening and that no matter what you do, it's miserable? Well, that might be the pessimists only, but that's how I always saw things until today. And I can't quite say what happened, but I feel kind of...relieved.

I was walking home from Starbucks after spending two hours studying for my AP Biology test tomorrow. Even though it's November, it's starting to get that December-y feel, which I love, and could have possibly contributed to my enlightenment. I looked up at the sky and for the first time in, like, ever, I could actually see the stars. And the moon was a perfect crescent. It was so bright that I could see the outline of the dark part of the moon, which was absolutely stunning. It kinda made me think.

Even though terrible things happen every day, the world is a beautiful place. All the problems that exist today are because of humans. We are such a flawed species; it's ridiculous. But that doesn't mean that everything sucks. That doesn't mean that the world and everybody on it are sh*t and life, believe it or not, doesn't suck. Maybe for some it does. But just because some guy dumped you or some girl was talking about you behind your back doesn't mean that life sucks.

Some people are going to hurt you; it's true. Actually, a lot are. But some aren't. I know it sounds impossible if you're in a terrible mood, just like I am. But moping does nothing except make it worse. Although some people say, "Go ahead. Mope. Let it out.", I say, "Don't." Because it really doesn't help.

We need to start focusing on the beautiful parts of life, no matter how insignificant they are. We need to start looking forward to the future rather than looking back on the past. Move on. Get up. Get out. Do something. Because the world is a beautiful place if you just let it be.

Also, I want to finish off this cliche journal by saying: I am floored by the positive response that Show Your Bones is getting. I never expected it at all. People are telling me in the comments that they cried and that it moved them, and I'm like, "What?! My story?!" It's kind of crazy, even if it's just a writing website.

Thanks for reading this if you did. I'm not usually this sappy, I swear. I'm just in a mood. (:
November 9th, 2010 at 12:13am