Public transportation can be scary sometimes

So I have to take two buses to get to my school because it's in a different city. Well I was waiting in line to get onto the second bus when all of a sudden I start hearing some pissed off guy cussing out the bus driver. Apparently the bus driver ripped up the guy's transfer pass because it wasn't valid, but the guy said that it was so he was cussing at the bus driver for being an idiot. Then there was a second guy that was pissed off at the bus driver for having a bad attitude and I seriously thought that one of them was going to pull out a gun. I've ridden the bus so many times and I've never actually been scared for my safety before. Everyone around me was feeling the same way and we didn't know what to do except watch. Finally the first guy got off the bus while cussing every other word, and the second guy was still angry but stayed on the bus. I'm all for public transportation, but some people just ruin the experience for everyone which totally sucks.
Comment with your own story where you thought something bad was going to happen!
Stay Classy,
November 9th, 2010 at 01:18am