It's The Little Things

It 's amazing how much of our day we spend with our heads in the clouds, wandering around in our own little bubbles, stressing about day to day life and not taking in the little things that give us just that little smile to our face. We're quick to remember the down side or the last bad thing that was said to us and all this seems to do is build up a bitterness inside of us, but maybe if we remember the little things that make us happy, or look up from our phones for 5minutes, we might see something that warms that little dark lonely place just a little.
I was at work today, and I was stressed; worried about the 3000 word law essay, stressed about my lack of sleep, stressed about relatives in hospitals. Work was the last place I wanted to be. On seeing me, one of my colleagues just summed it up by saying "jesus christ you look shit". Wow, great. Thanks. I'm glad you noticed. So I started work, bumbling about on the shop floor, keeping my head down and trying to get through my shift just a little bit faster. But when I took the time to look up and see what was going around me, I saw a young girl, shopping with her Dad. She had picked up the BIGGEST gingerbread man possible (I swear this thing was like the size of her) and she was pleading with her Dad to buy it, puppy dog eyes, batting of the eyelashes, everything. And I stopped and I looked at the scene, all the tricks I used to pull on my parents when I desperately wanted something. And I smiled. Maybe because I recognised something in the little girl I recognised in myself, the little mischievous glint in her eye or the way she bounced up to the sales register as soon as her Dad gave in and said yes. Maybe because the childhood innocence that we were so keen to get rid of as soon as we thought we wanted to 'grow up' was sat there right in front of me. But either way, this little scene of family happiness, filled just that little dark hole with just a little warmth. So maybe when we're stressed we need to remeber the little things. Sitting by the fire with a good book. Curling up on a sunday morning with someone you care for. Going to the beach to watch the sunset. Leaving the first footprints in fresh, crunchy snow. Waking up to see frosty rooftops. Kicking up autumn leaves.

Being Peter Pan for just an hour of your day and laying the stresses down beside you and remembering that we're only human. 60 seconds of stress is a minute of happiness we'll never get back.
November 9th, 2010 at 09:20am