My Article "Going Vegan"

That article is in no way meant to offend anyone, force anyone into anything, put down carnivores/omnivores, or make anyone feel vialated or insult them.

It truly was an english essay i wrote for my grade 11 university course. The task was to select a topic you are interested in, write three body paragraphs on 3 different subjects about the topic with an introduction and a concluding paragraph. It was to be typed in MLA format and it was meant to be a persuasive essay.

Also, I reread it many times and I do not understand what the fuss is about. Maybe instead of someone just telling me it is offensive and rude, tell me what makes it offensive and rude and give me examples. I'm glad Sick Freak understands my situation.

The reason I put my essay on here is because I got a fantastic mark of 83/100, for 83%. That, my friends equals the best mark the teacher has gotten on a first-essay-of-the-year in 2 years. I felt so very proud of myself that I posted it on here out of excitment for everyone to read. Now i'm being bombarded with comments that really put my down and I don't like it.

But I'm gonna suck it up because thats who I am. As much as you may not belive it, my best friends and other family members are all meat eaters and I love them dearly. None of you except my real life friend Megan on Quizilla knows who I truly am. Do not label me and all other vegans/vegitarians/Peta members/PETA as bi***y ignorant self-centred people with a huge hi-horse who preaches everyone. Some people do that, but not me.

"Going Vegan" is an essay. That's it. I am very proud of it, despite the spiteful comments. I am sorry if it is offensive to you. I was excited to write my essay on here and I refuse to look down on it because people are putting it down. Thank you to all of you who understand my situation. All facts are true. I made sure when writing it in the first place that it was the most up-to-date information on veganism. Thats how anal I am about my english class.
November 10th, 2010 at 01:33am