Being You

Everybody's school days were different. Some were the neds, some were the geeks, some were just clearly unpopular others had it all, the fake nails, the fake hair and the best designer gear. I wasn't really put into any category. I wasn't popular, I wasn't a complete geek, I was just me, the hyper kid who was quiet in class. But then, I didn't get as much bother as some.
Everyone gets bullied a bit - apart from the untouchables who really just abuse everyone else and occasionally each other. I got my fair share of bullying and to be honest, it affected me badly. You never know the impact of what you say will have on someone, I was never particularly fat but I found myself going from a size 12 to a size 8. Quickly.
I received a phone call the other day from my mum, my cousin was getting bullied at school. And yes, he is an easy target, I can see why the other kids pick on him. Hell if he went to my school he'd have no chance! But what gives us a right to decide how people should act, where's the variety in society if everyone thinks, acts, looks, dresses and speaks the same? And it's uncalled for. There's no reason for others to do it other than to make themselves feel just a little better about whatever shit they feel incompetent about. You don't think about the consequences when you call some person fat but you don't know how deeply that affects someone, how they're going to downsize every meal just so they aren't 'fat' to the bullies, in any hope that the bully will leave them alone.
There's no advice I can give against bullies, every schools going to have one, and if you show even the slightest bit of individuality, chances are, you might get picked on. But maybe you can take advice from someone that got bullied, stop eating and is now on the right route to happiness: its not easy, and it seems like everyday is going to be a chore, but be yourself and be unique because it's that which attracts people to you, and makes you seem wonderful. No matter how shit things are now, keep at it and get out of where your from - get away from school, get away from your home town. live life and leave the narrow-minded people behind. you're the only one who is going to benefit from it.
November 10th, 2010 at 01:37am