Day 2 [letter challenge]

-Previous Challenge: A letter to an inanimate object you hate (I wrote about the porcelain doll sitting in my aunt's room lol check it out! It's my Day 1 journal entry)

-Next Challenge: A letter to a movie character (hmm, I wonder who I should write about? Any suggestions?)
Today's Challenge: A letter to a dinosaur.

Dear Dinosaur,
I wish you were alive during my lifetime!
Maybe I could train kill people I didn't like.
And instead of saying my dog ate my homework, I can say my dinosaur devoured it...along with the teacher. (:
Maybe one day, Jurassic Park will become a reality and we'll meet <3


The Self-Made Critic about Jurassic Park 3: There are Raptors, who now speak to each other. "Hi, Bob, eaten a human lately?" "No Frank, but I munched down on a crunchy Ankylosaurus last week. Yummy." <----LOL (:
November 10th, 2010 at 04:19am