I'm done! This has been going on for too long! In case you don't know, let me fill you in:
In another journal I did, I think it was like "IS THERE A WAY OUT?" or something, I wrote that there was a boy. Named Mike. (Read the other journal to see how I *really* feel towards him) The guy's a bitch. He's a dick. He's a bitch's dick. About a month ago, he left my school to go to another school. But he left behind some friends. And some of those friends are my friends too.
In last period math class, I was talking to my friend. One of his friends Jen was texting him. She interrupts my conversation to to say "Mike sent you a text. Read it." So I did. It said, and I quote, "You're a fat cow that needs to get laid."
That itself is bad. But here's what makes it worse. He's not in my life at all anymore. He's not a Facebook friend. He goes to another school miles away. But he still does whatever it takes to make me feel terrible. He will stop at nothing to make me feel like shit. And it's been working for too long. Why didn't I tell anyone earlier? I didn't think it was a big deal. A bully in school is all too common. When he left, I thought that it was over. But was I wrong?
I'd say this is the last straw, but THE LAST STRAW WAS 5 STRAWS AGO!!!
I'm telling someone! Something I should have done so long ago. Like, when it started. My sister knows and my closest friends, plus the adults I trust more than anyone. I swear, if he ever tries to get in contact with me again, I won't be scared to bring the law into this.
So instead of you giving me advice, let me give YOU some.
Don't do what I did. Don't wait around for it to get better, because it's not. If someone is bullying you and it's bad, tell someone! Don't be scared because after it's out in the open, I mean it, you will feel so much better. And don't be scared of people saying you're a baby or a tattle-tale. Tell your closest friends and they will have your back. Then, if someone comes up to you, you'll have someone to back you up. Plus, if it's really bad, you'll want to see that person go through some pain. I usually don't think like this! See what he did to me?!
That's all I have to say about that.
November 10th, 2010 at 10:21pm