I think I owe this to a few people + Why I love being single, men, and lots of love<3

First of all, I’m very sorry. There are things hat I said I would do, but I haven’t, though I should, and I will do; I haven’t had time this week, so I’m doing it on the weekend. I’m also updating either on the weekend or sometime next week. I’ve had exams, so I’ve had to revise. When I revise, I get neglect doing anything else but watching T.V. and sleeping. It’s dreadful of me, but I’m ever so unpleasant when I have to revise. The knowledge of exams don’t disturb me, it’s the hours between computer screens and text books that I find unbearable. Everyone in the house dodges me when this happens, and I can’t blame them xDAnywaySinge life; how I love thee. The freedom of you rippled strands of gold, or the opportunity between your spirited ocean eyes. The way your pupils wonder from stranger to stranger for a beautiful glance of a beautiful face; usually on Google images. Mostly, the way your liberty has freed me of a miserable fate. One day I may find a Jake Gyllenhaal look-alike with a things for Hayleys, but for now I’m enchanted with the life of a solo darling.

Goatie, sugar, you’re such a lovely girl, and you’re always there when I need you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad thing written by you, or said about you. You have an amazing talent, I really hope you go far. You’re one of the first real friends I made here, and I absolutely adore you, darling<3

Ha. Bet you didn’t see that one :D

Bella, my god, you’re really something. I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely something I adore. You’re hilarious, and can always cheer me up, but you also have a side of you which just listens. I don’t know what to say, really. You’re my Samwise xD

Mat, I really miss you, darling! We barely talk anymore, I hate us both being so busy all the time. I always look forward to speaking to you, because you’re just the best. Truly, we have so much in common, and you’re a dazzling girl<3

All these people can write like published authors, too
Silk Tea and Alu really need to get published. Two of my favourite writers on this site, and far better
There’s a few more I find darling and utterly talented, but you know who you are :D

So, today I decided not to let the exams and revision get me down, or the fact that I’m constantly ill in the winter and can’t sing properly because of it There’s some other things too, but it’s really vague and complicated. I realized that I’m capable of rising above such things, and able to just enjoy everything. After all, it’s Christmas, and I can’t help myself!
Eye CandiesImage





You know what? Let’s share the love! No questions, no swaps, just tell everyone about your friends on this site and why they’re so special :D
Oh, and love for actors ad those famous, too. Anyone you want!
Have a lovely day, darlings :D

P.S. I really need to write! I’m desperate to update. I thought I may be able to escape with a little description earlier, but I really wan to update xD

Sorry, I thought I had post this earlier, but my computer messed up.
November 10th, 2010 at 11:24pm