Something from the heart...

Any of you guys heard about Demi? I did and I was shocked.

This is heart-breaking to me; she was always that one star who admitted to having body issues (not that others haven't, but Demi's confessions seemed way more real) and was that celebrity who set out there to help give girls more confidence in their body image.

I'm not going to lie, there are times I've bashed Demi's physique, even though I completely supported what she was doing.

And right now, I feel so guilty. I think everyone should. We put so much pressure on these people to do good that we, regular people or her biggest fans, could not see what is going on just beneath the surface.

Which brings me to my next point:

No one has to harm themselves.

Why can't everyone see what they have is amazing? They have life, they have homes, they have family and friends who love them. I never look at someone and make an opinion; I think of everyone as a clean slate. What they say and how they act is what I judge them by (though I will admit I have the shallow moments where I will look at someone and think 'they are just unattractive').
'Everyone is beautiful until proven ugly.'

Let's think about it for a second:
No matter what you're going through, things will get better. Everything always gets better.
So, yah, you're stressed right now- you're not going to be forever.
Okay, so you're ex is always hanging around you with his new girlfriend, but the chances are that they're going to break up anyway.

And guys, I wanna ask you to think about something.
Have you ever been with a friend who looks just fine, but then they start to criticize themselves (eg. my thighs are huge! I hate my hair etc...)?

I go to an all girls school and trust me, I've heard all of that. Only recently have I started to just say, "STOP!" while they're doing it.

Why can't you all realize whatever bugs you about yourself, somebody will love about you?


You're only going to have one life, one body and one brain. Don't damage them- keep them healthy.

Who cares if you're not the skinniest girl in school? As long as you're healthy it should be enough- don't stick your fingers down your throat, starve yourselves or do any other shit.

Talking from experience, I've had friends who've cut themselves. Some still do. I have friends who do drugs, drink and more. But I don't feel like I have to join in, because I have come to peace with my body; I know I'll always have jiggly thighs, big feet and chubby fingers. That doesn't bother me.

To those who are reading this (if you've bothered to stay with me for so long) and actually suffer from anoexia, cutting, bulemia and others, I urge you to find help. Maybe hang out with positive people, TALK to others and maybe even see a therapist (trust me, my friend goes to one and she has been a better person since).

To those who suspect a friend of suffering from one of these illnesses- don't pry. I speak from experience. They will open up when they want to. All you have to do is have a positive outlook on things when you're around them, make sure they know you're going to be there whenever and that you like them. Just the way they are.

And to those who don't have anyone going through such a difficult time, just keep your eyes open. A lot of the time you don't know until it is too late.

Parting words:


Words that you need to believe:


Much love,

Also, did I tell you you look wonderful today? <3

Check out too :)
November 11th, 2010 at 03:43am