Religious fanatic on campus, yesterday. Bah!

There was a religious fanatic on campus yesterday. I can't for the life of me figure out why. We're a state college. I didn't think it would be allowed. The guy had security guards around him and everything. People were furious. I saw some students dressed up in suits looking pissed, as though they were preparing to go before the Board or something.

We have this round flat of concrete surrounded by landscaping in the middle of campus. Clubs and organizations have fundraisers here and the ground is always marked up in chalk advertisements because everyone passes through it at least twice a day.

Yesterday before my noon class, I heard some people complaining about someone shoving extremist religious views on everyone, but I didn't listen all that closely. My MP3 player had my full it usually does. ^^

So...later, I'm walking around the edge of campus to get to my printmaking class. I saw the Oval packed with people. Like, I have never seen that thing so full of people. People were cheering and making a lot of noise. I wondered about it, but a Sobe drink sounded infinitely more interesting. Hehe... Later, though, I walked past again, and chanced to see what was going on. The Oval was a little emptier, so it was less intimidating. I stuck to the edges, though.

This guy was standing up on a bench, waving his arms about and shouting. I couldn't really pick out what he was saying, but once in a while I could pick out words that sounded suspicially like those tag-things that identify passages of the Bible. What are those called?

Anyway, some student jumped up next to him at some point and pulled another Bible passage out, trying to refute what the guy was saying. Didn't work, obviously. The guy was too high off his own fumes.

Another student tried getting up there to tell everyone to just leave the guy alone; if there was no one there to feed his flames, he'd give up and go home. That was the most common-sense thing, but no one listened, obviously. As if. People were having too much fun ogling at the bastard.

Later, I heard people sharing stories. The guy tried to pass off ideas like....if girls wore short shorts, they were already doomed for hell for acting 'whorish.'

My roommate's friend kissed her boyfriend in front of him before he left for class, and she got chewed out for being a whore. Apparently, she's going to hell, too!

If this guy is as right as he thinks he is, then Hell must be the place to be! All the fun people will be there. =3


I'm going to Hell, anyway. Me and my blasphemous pentacles and Goddess charms and love of astrology and all that jazz. Tehe!

Obviously, I left pretty quickly. The beliefs didn't apply, and he was an idiot, anyway.

Back in the Frontier days, people like him had a lot of power. If some dude got up on a crate and started shouting and waving his arms about, the masses would actually listen. "Oooooh! Look! If a person is loud, they must know what they're talking about, right?"

I'm afraid people are too educated for that method to work, nowadays. These days, the very worst thing a person can do for recruitment methods is insist that everyone in the crowd is going to hell. Pah!

November 11th, 2010 at 05:08pm