Letter to a lost love

MY heart is being ripped from my chest and i can't do anything about it i want to tell you how i feel but it's pointless. every time i see your face i want to cry because i love you so much but in the end we will end and become what used to be or what could've been or what never was. I need the strength to tell you these things but when it comes to you i am weak, i'm helpless, i'm broken. My life would be meaningless with out you but i can't seem to bring myself to the conclusion that i need you. your my pillar of strength, you are part of me, we will always be together even through the time of death. one of us may stay behind to help those to cope with our deaths but we will be together in spiritual harmony, a symphony of love, and peace together forever whether we like it or not. till we meet again.

Forever yours,

November 11th, 2010 at 07:57pm